Edthena Selected by Judges to Join California Superintendent at edSurge Tech for Schools Summit
We’re excited to share that Edthena has been selected to join State Superintendent Tom Torlakson at the edSurge California Tech for Schools Summit, scheduled to be held at the University of California, Davis on Tuesday, August 4. The Summit is cohosted by the California Department of Education and the CDE Foundation.
Edthena helps teachers get better at teaching by bringing observation and feedback online. Teachers upload video of their classroom instruction and share to people on the other end who provide feedback at specific moments in time.
Companies selected to participate in the Summit were reviewed by an advisory panel of more than 20 leading educators from around California.
“We’re excited about giving all district superintendents in California a chance to explore some of the most innovative education technology opportunities available,” says Superintendent Torlakson. “EdSurge’s California Summit will help educators connect with technology leaders who may provide them with ideas about how to help get all our schools the technology and connectivity they need to close the digital divide and help all our students succeed.”
The Summit is drawing Superintendents, their key staff and other education leaders from around California. The primary activity of the day will be conversations between educators and edtech leaders, with an emphasis on candid feedback and articulating the needs of educators. “We’re connecting the people who share the goal of supporting our students,” says Betsy Corcoran, cofounder and CEO of EdSurge.
“This is an important time to engage with California district leaders,” said Adam Geller, Edthena CEO. “The state is making considerable investments in professional development in the coming years thanks to Prop 98, and we believe Edthena can be one of the ways that districts accelerate teacher learning.”
Three leading thinkers on blended learning will discuss lessons learned from implementing blended learning around the US: Richard Culatta, Director of the Office of Educational Technology for the US Department of Education; Michael Horn, cofounder of the Clayton Christensen Institute; and Palo Alto High School teacher and international speaker, Esther Wojcicki, co-author of Moonshots in Education: Launching Blended Learning in the Classroom.
Learn more about the California Tech for Schools Summit here.