Video Coaching

Ensure teachers feel supported

Teachers who feel supported by their districts lead to higher teacher retention

National surveys reveal 8 out of 10 teachers want more feedback and support on their actual classroom teaching.

Edthena Video Coaching enables targeted feedback to teachers from coaches and colleagues. Perfect for peer-peer observation, mentoring programs, and more.

boy in gray sweater beside boy in gray and white plaid dress shirt
woman raising her right arm

AI Coach

Not enough coaches? Not a problem

The AI Coach platform can be every teacher's personal guide through a coaching cycle focused on self-reflection and goal setting

Our breakthrough coaching process helps teachers coach themselves using video evidence and classroom data.

With the AI Coach platform, teachers have a guide-on-the-side empowering them to examine their practice, set near-term goals, and develop action plans for change. Plus, teachers can earn PD clock hours for completing the coaching cycle.

Video Library

Help all teachers in your district see "What works"

Increase implementation fidelity of curriculum and prioritized instructional practices by providing concrete examples showcasing your own teachers

It’s no secret that recorded video examples of your own teachers supporting your own students can serve as a powerful tool for scaling high-quality instruction across content areas.

boy in black and red hoodie wearing black framed eyeglasses
woman in blue tank top standing beside white wall

AI Coach

PD content personalized to teachers' priorities

Give teachers voice and choice related to their professional learning

Individual teachers have different professional learning priorities based on what's actually happening in their classrooms.

AI Coach adjusts to teachers' needs and offers curated content and advice based on what teachers say is important to them right now. Content is regularly updated to ensure the recommendations stay fresh and relevant.

Video Coaching

Stay organized with a Coaching Management System

Help coaches reach more teachers with less work

Video observation creates an opportunity for more flexible collaboration between teachers and coaches.

For example, when the teacher and coach set an action plan for change, the follow-up observation can be completed virtually. Edthena Video Coaching tools enable your coaches to support more teachers.

woman smiling holding glass mug sitting beside table with MacBook
girl in black long sleeve shirt reading book

Video Coaching

Powerful, evidence-based insights

Understand what professional learning is happening through the lens of your strategic priorities

Districts ultimately measure success via student outcomes, but they set goals around curriculum implementation or specialized pedagogy programs in order to achieve those outcomes.

Edthena Video Coaching dashboards help you gain district-wide insights about the alignment of professional learning activities to the strategic goals. Because everything is tied to your frameworks and standards, you can now answer complex questions like "What types of feedback are teachers receiving?" related to your priority areas.

Video Coaching

A cost-effective tool to support educators

With video, teacher support is easier on staff and budgets

No matter how many coaches you can hire, there's often a gap between the desired amount of observation for teachers and the actual amount possible.

Edthena Video Coaching integrates into your existing processes for professional development to streamline feedback to teachers. It's possible for more professional learning with less need for substitutes and out-of-class time.

girl using black laptop computer
man in gray dress shirt holding white paper

Video Coaching

Action-oriented PD pathways

Micro-credentials empower teachers to earn credit using evidence

Designing and implementing micro-credential experiences allows you to offer educators choice in their learning opportunities.

Edthena Video Coaching makes it easy to build micro-credentials into your existing professional development process. School districts use Edthena for their ongoing instructional coaching and video observations, and offer micro-credentials, too.

A platform for transformative learning across a district

Listen to what makes Edthena an objective platform with two-way engagement that's helping district coaches "grow very quickly."
We have saved tens of thousands of dollars on substitute costs and untold planning minutes lost from writing sub plans. Video peer coaching has shifted our culture. Diane Lauer
Assistant Superintendent
Edthena makes life so much easier for me. Bea
Instructional Coach
It’s not a question of if we’ll use video in professional learning, it’s a question of when.

Are you ready to explore how Edthena can help you improve teacher PD in your district?

We believe strongly that technology can and should eliminate the barriers to effective teaching and curriculum implementation, while promoting a culture of growth and collaboration across classrooms.

Our Insights

See All Blog Posts

Can AI Effectively Coach Teachers? (Via EdWeek)

EdWeek explores the efficacy of AI coaching for educators in this thought-provoking article. Gain valuable insight and perspective on this innovative approach.

Transforming Teacher Preparation with Video Reflection

Discover how this teacher residency program enhanced teacher training through personalized video reflections, bridging theory and practice for better readiness.

3 Ways St. Vrain Valley Schools is Transforming Teacher PD with AI

How one school successfully implemented AI coaching alongside peer feedback to enhance teacher growth and professional development. See their 3-step process.