Future-Ready District Delivers 21st Century Teacher PD using Video
The State Education Technology Director’s Association recently hosted their “What’s New and Noteworthy” webinar, and Edthena was one of the featured technologies.
Diane Lauer, executive director of professional development and assessment at St. Vrain Valley School District in Colorado, presented on her district’s use of Edthena.
St. Vrain was recently recognized as one of only nine “Future-Ready” school districts in the United States by the U.S. Department of Education. Edthena has been working with the district and with Diane for two years.
“When we talk about being a future-ready district, yes, we have incredible learning spaces for our students,” said Diane. “However we also need to focus on 21st century professional development for our adults.”
During the webinar Diane detailed how teachers and coaches in the geographically spread-out district use Edthena. She highlighted how the district prioritized providing teachers with more classroom observation and quality development opportunities without sacrificing learning time.
“We believe very strongly in job-embedded professional development,” Diane said. “We don’t host a lot of workshops, and we don’t pull teachers out of their classroom.”
Diane’s own background include research on coaching models and the power of video observation.
“When we saw Edthena and the connection to video, we really knew that this was the disruptive innovation that we wanted to scale across our district,” she said.
SETDA’s “What’s New and Noteworthy” took place on February 11, 2016. Diane’s presentation can be viewed below.
Read more about Edthena’s work with Diane in the St. Vrain Valley School District profile.