Working on edTPA Task 2? Here’s How to Video Record Without Tears

updated July 2023

edTPA Task 2: Prepare early

The notorious edTPA Task 2 has been known to frustrate many teaching candidates and higher ed program administrators.

When it comes to effectively navigating the process of edTPA Task 2, which involves video recording of teaching, helping teaching candidates to plan for the camera from the very first day can significantly simplify the task.

As shared by successful past students Emma and Lauren, early integration of video recording in the teaching preparation process is critical.

At the 2015 NYACTE conference, Interim Dean Nancy Casey and two of her former students from St. Bonaventure University presented on how Edthena’s edTPA® tools improved candidates’ edTPA Task 2 experience and helped candidates build skills related to video reflection.

Watch the full presentation below or keep reading for highlights about how the edTPA task 2 process can be made easier.

Teacher candidates, need help with edTPA tasks? Check out our blog post: Free edTPA Tools Support Teacher Candidates and Programs

Making recording video easy for edTPA Task 2

In this presentation, preparing early for edTPA Task 2 was noted as key.

From their initial semesters, students should be encouraged to use video technology and become comfortable with the process.

A structured approach, involving watching and making notes on their videos multiple times and using time stamps to identify critical moments, can significantly assist students in mastering edTPA Task 2.

Edthena, a video-based platform, is a helpful tool for simplifying the edTPA Task 2 process. It allows candidates to upload, clip, and save their videos and is also an alternative place for video storage.

With a simple interface, it allows for video trimming, commenting, and categorizing based on edTPA instructions. These functionalities allow students to identify key moments of their teaching videos, with timestamped notes exportable.

The use of tools like Edthena can make the process of creating, reviewing, and submitting edTPA Task 2 video more efficient.

One helpful tip shared by the two former teaching candidate students was to start with edTPA Task 2 first:

You need to start with task two. So, they understand what they need to show in the video before they plan their lessons. Because if they plan their lessons not knowing what needs to be in the video, it’s very likely that they won’t use what needs to be in the video during their lessons.

So, start with Task Two, then go to Task One and back to Task Two. In terms of technical aspects, let candidates use their own tools for videoing if they want to. Give them some support.

When they use their phone, it needs to be in landscape mode, not portrait mode. Little things like that matter. So, demystify all of those technical aspects. Prepare them early.

edTPA Task 2 Without Tears

The presentation was led by Nancy Casey, Interim Dean, and two of her former students. They share their ideas on ways to prepare for the Task 2 submission.

Nancy is also the author of the tips on edTPA Tips.

You can also read more about Edthena’s free edTPA tools.

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