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Common Sense Privacy Program

Teacher Privacy

Sharing videos of classroom teaching requires feeling safe and secure when using the technology.

Your privacy and security are not just our promise, they’re our practice. Edthena is FERPA compliant, COPPA compliant, a signatory of the Student Privacy Pledge, and a recipient of the top privacy evaluation tier from Common Sense Media.

Here are a few of our main privacy features:

Everything defaults to private

When you upload a video, no one will see it. Everything is stored in your personal library until you do the sharing.

Unshare videos at any time

Remove others’ access to your videos with a few clicks. It’s possible to completely delete videos, too.

Know exactly who can see your videos

Only members of your group can see your video conversations. All members of a group are visible to you.

Downloading & re-sharing is locked

No one will be able to download or re-share your videos. You must give special permission.

No organization superusers

The only way an administrator will see your videos is by participating in your group. This ensures private conversations remain private.

Personalized reports for you to share

Want to show your professional learning in another context? You can generate reports to represent your efforts without needing to share the videos.

Modern architecture

Video is transferred directly to servers via our client-side application. Other data are captured directly via our web Interface.

Underlying our application is a cloud-based storage and computing architecture which has been designed and is managed in alignment with regulations, standards, and best-practices including soc1/ssae 16/isae 3402, soc 2, soc 3, pci dss level 1, iso 27001, fedramp, diacap, and fisma. We can request and obtain third-party auditor certifications which attest to the design and operating effectiveness of the cloud-based environment.

Our data storage is designed to be recoverable in the event of disaster. Data recovery is achieved by restoring from backup any of the replicated data-stores from our cloud-based storage. Storage redundancy is automated by our data storage provider.

Access-controlled groups

By default, every video in the system can only be seen by the uploader. The only way to let others view your content is by sharing it to a group.

Group membership is controlled by the group admin. That person is clearly identified to the members of the group and is responsible for approving requests to join the group.

Verified identity

The only way to activate an Edthena account is via an email invitation generated by our platform. This ensures that each account is associated with a unique email not shared by anyone else in our system. This approach of using email invitations to verify identity is considered a best practice for other scenarios like online contract-signing services.

Single-use URL

Every time you watch a video in Edthena, your browser is making a request to our content delivery network using a single-use URL. Not only is the URL generated on the fly, but the only way to initiate the process is to be signed in as a user of our system and access the video conversation inside one of your groups.

Data encryption

We utilize 128-bit encryption to ensure that information is protected against unauthorized access. Unlike some sites which may mix secure and insecure content, our servers make sure that all data – the comments, the pictures, and the video – are transmitted over a secure connection.

Passwordless Access

We leverage single-sign-on to ensure secure, passwordless access to our platforms. 

Technical Security You Can Count On

As a company we understand the sensitive nature of the information we gather and the priority for ensuring access only to intended and authorized individuals.

Trust is built and maintained by many small actions over time.
- Lolly Daskal

Are you ready to explore how Edthena helps you personalize teacher professional learning?

We believe strongly that technology can and should eliminate the barriers to effective teaching and curriculum implementation, while promoting a culture of growth and collaboration across classrooms.

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